Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be young was very heaven
---- said Wordsworth about the joy of being young at the dawn of one of the epoch-making moments in history that shaped world’s destiny. We are now at the dawn of a similar moment. And we, the young, are blessed with this opportunity to take part in and lead the movement that will shape India's destiny.
This year marks the completion of 150 years of the 1857 Revolt and 60 years of our Independence. On this occasion, we need to spare a moment to look back at 60 years of our self-rule. We need to identify and correct the mistakes committed.
It is true that we have achieved tremendous progress in many fields, but many are left as bystanders of the moving procession called Developing India. There is darkness cast over the lives of many. Opportunities for growth are not available equally. Education, the only means of progress for the poor, is increasingly getting out of their reach. The cancer of corruption in politics and bureaucracy is snuffing out the little that is intended for the relief and uplift of the poor.
We need a polity that aims to ensure a life of dignity for everyone. We need an administrative machinery that is corruption-free, accountable, transparent, and efficient to smoothly turn any noble intentions into tangible reality.
We need to wage a Second Freedom Struggle. While our forefathers had only foreign rule to fight against, we have many demons to vanquish to achieve an India of our dreams. It is time we rise out of our own individualistic concerns and contribute our mite to a larger cause. We, the young, need to respond to this clarion call.
Yuva Satta is conducting this campaign to identify talent in youth and provide them a platform to showcase their skills/talents. We will guide you on how to utilize your skills to realize your vision for a better Hyderabad and India.
The future is ours, of the youth.
Youth can lead!
You can lead!
Wake up the leader in you. Let us change Hyderabad. Let us change India!
This was a pamphlet I wrote for Yuva Satta in the year 2007, that marked 60 years of Indian Independence. It was initial days for Yuva Satta as well. We distributed the pamphlets when we visited colleges and such other occasions when Yuva Satta volunteers chanced upon meeting youth in groups. I thought it turned out well, though it might have gone straight over the heads of people and youth in particular.....:)