The disappointment in this Cricket World Cup Final brings to mind the letdown experienced by Indians due to the Chandrayaan-2 mission's failure. In both instances, there was an eagerness within Narendra Modi's public relations team to capitalize on potential positive sentiments that could have arisen in the event of success for Modi and the BJP.
It's understandable that the PR team sought to gain from the Chandrayaan-2 mission, considering the historical precedent of Indira Gandhi and Congress benefiting significantly from Rakesh Sharma's space mission. The iconic exchange between Indira Gandhi and Rakesh Sharma, immortalized in the hearts and minds of Indians, was likely a carefully orchestrated conversation. Sharma's response of "Saare Jahaan se Accha" was brilliantly apt.
Many decisions regarding the World Cup, from the schedule to the choice of venues, were influenced by Jay Shah-led BCCI with an eye on the elections. Notably, Punjab's Mohali did not host any matches this World Cup, and the final took place at Ahmedabad's Narendra Modi Stadium, potentially marking it as BJP's World Cup. Winning the final could have sparked widespread euphoria, benefiting the BJP in the upcoming elections.
While the success of these events could have been a public relations bonanza for Modi and the BJP, the PR team should have also taken into account the potential for a debacle.